Srinagar: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Thursday said that the statement by United Jehad Council that the conglomerate didn’t call for Panchayat poll boycott was bit late and would have more fruitful had it came before the commencement of the urban elections in the state.“A statement came from UJC but sadly it came at a time when eleven phases had already been completed and some attacks on (participating candidates) were carried already,†Chief Minister Omar Abdullah told reports after attending a high level meeting in Anantnag district of south Kashmir. “Had the statement came earlier, preferably before the commencement of polls, it would have been more fruitful,†he added as per a correspondent. Earlier Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah laid stress on fast tracking works and ensuring timeline completion of schemes. He emphasized on maintenance of quality and judicious spending of funds. “Reaching out people on the development front all across the State for holistic and equitable development is the commitment of my Governmentâ€, he told the officers adding that the performance of administration at all levels would be judged by the promptness it shows to public needs and its effective delivery of service to the people.Taking review of the progress on development works and prevailing law and order situation in South Kashmir at a high level meeting here today, the Chief Minister asked the administration to expand their public rapport orbit and be responsive to the grievances of people.An official statement here said that Chief Minister said that Panchayat elections after a period of over 33 years has opened a new window in the development process and public representatives at grass roots would be actively involved in launch, implementation and monitoring of schemes at Panchayat level. “The public representatives and the administration has to work in coordination and cohesion to address public requirements on development front and complement each other in realizing the goal of equitable and holistic development of the Stateâ€, he added.  The Chief Minister also reviewed the arrangements made for the conduct of Amarnath Yatra. He also took brief of the security arrangements put in place in this connection.