Srinagar: Two sevadars of an Amarnath Yatra pilgrim camp have been taken into custody, after a 35-year-old female pilgrim from Jalandhar filed an FIR with Srinagar police alleging that the culprits were making obscene cellphone video of her while she was taking bath inside the temporary washroom.The complainant alleged that on July 11 she had gone to the langar camp near Baltal helipad, set up by Shree Amarnath (B) Trust of Jalandhar.
When she went inside the washroom to take bath, she felt some movement behind the tin partition.
The lady noticed two youths peeping inside through a keyhole and they had cellphones with them for making the video. As she screamed, the youths ran away.
Srinagar police has taken two sevadars, Munish and Jagdish, both of Jalandhar, into custody for interrogation. Both are adolescent.
SP Ganderbal Shahid Meraz said: “The boys were making obscene video of the nude lady. Both the cellphones have been seized, but we are yet to find the clippings. The cellphones will now be sent for forensic test. “
Both the youths have been sent to five days police custody.
The victim has also alleged that she was being pressurized to withdraw her complaint.