Srinagar, May 14: While expressing their deep disgust and condemnation over the tragic killing of young Kashmiri Pandit employee Rahul Bhat at the hands of inhuman brutes the senior leader BJP Rashida Mir , State Secretary BJP and Prabhari for North Kashmir lead a strong protest at an important area of Kashmir Jawahir nagar .
The protesters raised slogans like Bharat Mata ki Jay ( Long Live Mother India), Dashatgardi Murdabad ( Down with terrorism ) ,Rahul Teray Khoon say Inqilaab ayega (Revolution will usher from your blood Rahul ), Pakistan Murdabad(Down with Pakistani).
Scores of workers under her leadership participated in the Said protest .
She in strong words expressed condemnation and pain over gruesome killing of Rahul Bhat and called for immediate punishment of culprits.