Male: India and Maldives today signed six documents including the one that extends 100 million dollars of stand-by credit facility for the Island nation even as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the host President Mohamed Nasheed reaffirmed unequivocal and uncompromising position against terror in all its forms and manifestations. A Joint Statement signed by the two countries shared recognition that the security interests of both the countries are interlinked in the region and reiterated assurance that each side would be sensitive to the concerns of the other on the issue and that their respective territories would not be allowed for any activity inimical to the other and by any quarter. It was agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation on issues of common concern, including piracy, terrorism, organized crime, drugs and human trafficking. It was also agreed to intensify cooperation in the areas of training and capacity building of police and security forces. The two sides signed the documents concerning Framework Agreement on Cooperation for Development, a Memorandum of Understanding to Combat International Terrorism, Trans-national Crime, Illicit Drug Trafficking and Enhancing Bilateral Cooperation in Capacity Building, Disaster Management and Coastal Security and an agreement on Transfer of Sentenced Persons. Another MOU on renovation of the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital in Maldives, a programme of Cooperation in the field of culture for the years 2012-2015 were also signed during the visit. The two leaders in their Joint Statement agreed to strengthen cooperation to enhance maritime security in the Indian Ocean Region through coordinated patrolling and aerial surveillance, exchange of information, capacity building and the development of an effective legal framework against piracy. Leaders of both countries reviewed the various efforts to promote bilateral trade and investment ties and the development of infrastructure in a manner that contributes to sustainable development in both countries. It was agreed to work towards closer economic cooperation in sectors such as food security, fisheries development, tourism, transportation, information technology, new and renewable energy and communications. Both sides agreed to undertake measures to strengthen links in the banking and financial sectors, including by improving credit and insurance facilities and assistance in the establishment of development finance institutions. They also agreed to review institutional arrangements to meet the essential commodities requirements of Maldives.