Srinagar: Despite purchasing power worth Rs 3,762 crore, people are facing more than 10-hour power cuts in Jammu and Kashmir, where out of 20000 MWs estimated hydel resource, only 2462 MWs had been harnessed under the Central and the state sectors.
The state government has demanded a special package for transmission infrastructure on the lines of Prime Minister’s package for the state.
However, the government has chalked out an ambitious hydel capacity addition programme to execute projects with installed capacity of about 6000 MW hydro power during the 12th Five year financial plan.
The detailed project reports (DPR) and other clearances in most of the projects are ready and frame work for development of these projects under different modes have been put in place, Minister of State for Power Shabir Ahmed Khan said.
He said during previous financial year, the state has purchased power to the tune of 11115 million units involving an expenditure of Rs 3762 crore. However, this supply was at restricted level and if they supply for the full demand, requirement would have been much more.
So far, the state has been able to harness a total hydel generating capacity of 2462 MWs comprising 760 MWs in state sector and 1702 MWs in Centre sector against the total estimated potential of 20000 MWs.
To meet the electricity shortage, particularly during winter when the hydro power generation decrease in the state due to freezing of water resulting in drop in the water level in rivers, the government has demanded for development of 1000 MW thermal power station in the state.
The demand has been made in view of the fact that the state suffered untold hardships and disadvantages on account of the discriminatory provision contains in the Indus Water Treaty (IWT), he said.
Because of this treaty, the state has lost its right of impounding and optimally utilising the water of Indus, Chenab and Jhelum rivers to take care of seasonal variation in power demand.