SRINAGAR: While hailing the recent gesture of the India and Pakistan to hold the dialogue process for resolving all bilateral issues, the Minister for Rural Development, Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Ali Mohammad Sagar has said that it is recorded history that all vexed issues have been solved through the medium of dialogue.
The Minister was addressing a huge gathering of party workers at Nawai Subha complex here today.
Mr. Sagar said that we have been advocating the process of holding dialogue between the two countries from the day one and it is a recorded history that the Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has been a long votary of the same and has appealed to both the neighbours to end the impasse. “Our stand has been vindicated by both countries agreeing to talk to each other for resolving all the bilateral issuesâ€, he maintained.
The Minister said that Chief Minister has always believed that by holding composite dialogue every issue confronting both the countries can be resolved including the Kashmir issue and the need of the hour is for holding the same on a sustained basis.
Mr. Sagar said that the people of the State are looking forward to the outcome of the dialogue process and they would be the real beneficiaries of the ensuing thaw between the two countries. He said that the people on the both countries have to understand the benefits of having a peaceful relationship between the two countries which can go a long way in boosting trade and other related activities between them.
While hoping that the talks would result in some concrete measures for ensuing peace in the sub continent, the Minister said that the history is privy to the fact that both these countries share a common heritage and culture and they should understand the need for having a sustained peace in the area which can go a long way ensuring the stability of the whole area.