Islamabad, May Pakistan Police launched a crackdown on former Prime Minister Imran Khan-led PTI activists to get the venue of the rally in Sialkot, which belonged to the Christian community, vacated in the wee hours of Saturday.
The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) were forced to vacate the rally venue as they had tried to hold a public meeting at a property of the Christian community without their permission.
Earlier, the district administration of Sialkot had refused PTI’s request to hold the rally at the the CTI ground after the Christian community raised objection over the PTI’s scheduled meeting at their property, Geo TV said.
According to the district administration, the Christian community had been protesting against PTI’s call for holding a rally at their property. They had even approached the Lahore High Court.
However, PTI leader Usman Dar along with hundreds of party members reached the ground to prepare for the rally.
Following this, the police arrested Dar and other party workers, Geo TV reported.
Deputy Commissioner Imran Qureshi, “We have stopped the PTI from holding a public meeting at the CTI ground on the request of the Christian community. We are ready to give PTI an alternate place for public gathering.”
The DPO, however, rejected reports that the party workers had been taken into custody.