JAMMU: Chief Secretary Madhav Lal has stressed the need for a sustained awareness campaign against HIV/AIDS so that its graph which is showing a declining trend in Jammu and Kashmir is further reduced to near zero level.
The Chief Secretary was addressing the Governing Body Meeting of J&K State AIDS Prevention & Control Society here today. He said that though J&k has low prevalence of the epidemic in respect of other states, however there are certain high risk groups which need to be targeted.
Madhav Lal directed to ensure strict adherence to the prescribed procedures and tests for screening blood before its transfusion by all the hospitals in the state for blood safety.
He called for a vigorous campaign of mass awareness utilising folk media, electronic and print media and other means of communication to disseminate information regarding the disease and its prevention.
The meeting was informed that National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) has approved Rs.8.11 Crore action plan for the year 2011-12 under its National AIDS control Programme for the state. It was stated that Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) services have been extended to all the districts and sub district hospitals besides regional health institutions.
Eighteen (18) Sexually Transmitted Disease (STI) Clinics in different districts across the state are providing free drugs and consumables besides two fully functional Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) Centres are providing care, support and treatment to HIV patients, the meeting was told.
Matters pertaining to the functioning of J&K State AIDS Prevention & Control Society, its work done report, formulation of State grievance redressal committee to address grievances of HIV/AIDS patients, formation of steering committee, and other issues were discussed in the meeting.