We inform the friends, relatives, neighbours and sympathizers of War family of Maisuma that the Chehlum ( the 40th day) of Yousuf Javaid ( Ubaid) son of Javaid Ahmad War ( the Nephew of Hurriyat leader, Engineer Hilal Ahmad War and Jammu and Kashmir Young Journalist Association JKYJA President Ajaz Ahmad War who passed away on December 30, 2021 would be held on Monday ( 7th February, 2022) at War House Maisuma.
The Quran Khawani and prayer meetings would continue from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m at War House.
We request all friends, relatives, neighbours and sympathizers of War family to pray for the eternal peace of his soul. If anybody wish to participate in Quran Khawani / prayer meetings or pay condolence they are welcomed.
War Family