Srinagar:In a significant development, Awami National Conference (a prominent mainstream party of Jammu & Kashmir) has lambasted the report of the Government Of India appointed Interlocutors and have stated that it seem to have failed to put forward the correct prospective before the Government of India who have submitted their report to the Home Minister to suggest measures for the resolution of the Kashmir issue.
Muzaffar Shah, Senior Vice President, Awami National Conference said that the Interlocutors met a cross section of Political parties, Intellectuals and civil society members to ascertain their views regarding the issue. Awami National Conference also put forward the Kashmir issue in the back drop of its Historical and Political prospective and put forward the document of Greater Kashmir compiled by ANC founder and former Chief Minister Late G.M.Shah and Late G.N.Kochak which advocated the relinquishment of the laws enacted after 1953. After the demise of Late Sheri Kashmir this report was consigned to oblivion.
He further said that once the resolution of the issue is debated this report will be put forth and the people will decide whether to support or oppose it. Mr. Shah further stated that in the past 67 years India and Pakistan signed numerous declarations and agreements which proved futile in respect to the Kashmir issue, because as long as the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh are not taken into confidence an everlasting and final resolution of Kashmir issue is not possible. If bilateral negotiations have failed time and again it is pertinent to switch over to the formulas of tripartite dialogue which can provide a just and viable solution of the issue.