Jammu: The state government Tuesday notified the second of the 16-phased panchayat elections to be held on April 17.While making the notification, Chief Electorate Officer, B. R. Sharma said that eight blocks including Wavoora block of Kupwara, Lar block of Ganderbal, Nagam block of Budgam, Pahloo block of Kulgam, block Uri in Baramulla, Chenani block of Udhampur, Vijaypur block of Samba and RS Pura block of Jammu will vote in second phase.As per the notification, date of notification is March 22 next, last date for making nominations is March 29, scrutiny of nominations is March 30, last date for withdrawal of candidature is April 01 and date of poll/counting wherever necessary is April 17 next.A total of 50,68,975 voters will exercise their right to franchise in 143 blocks to elect 4,130 sarpanchas and 29,719 panchas in over 33,000 polling stations in the state.