Gender bias refers to a preference for one gender over another. It is often based on prejudices and stereotypes. Gender bias can be conscious, and something someone is aware that they have. Gender bias can also be unconscious, or something a person is not aware of. This is known as implicit bias.
The worst victims of Gender Bias are often the women.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) released new findings in 2020 from 80 countries as part of its Gender Social Norms Index . The report revealed that 90% of men and women hold some sort of bias against women. We may have covered some ground by way of gender equality (or its newer credo ‘equity’), but Pedro Conceição, head of UNDP’s Human Development Report Office captures the sign of our times when he says, “Today, the fight about gender equality is a story of bias and prejudices.”
To fight the Gender Bias at the place of higher educatiin, The
University Grants Commission UGC has directed universities and colleges to set up an Internal Complaint Committee, ICC to curb the pertaining gender biases. UGC has also asked to form a special cell that conducts gender sensitization programs.
In a communique issued by UGC on its official website, it mentions, “You are requested to ensure that ICC constituted your Esteemed University is working as per UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational institutions) Regulations, 2015.”
Further, UGC has asked all the Universities and affiliated colleges to fill online compliance of Gender Audit on the SAKSHAM Portal.
ICC will make sure that no gender biases pertains in the atmosphere of colleges and universities. Any complaints in regards to this must be handled with sensitivity and impact.
UGC had also asked universities to set up women helpline numbers, police, and hospital helplines across the institutions. Also, colleges are required to organise exposure visits to villages, blocks, districts, and cities to impart knowledge about gender equality.
The expert pulse is that Gender bias is mostly found in cultural education and the economy. Not only does it oppress our women but also our men. People should pay attention and speak out about gender bias in social and cultural factors to eradicate the erroneous assumptions and generalizations because it harms our society as a whole and it hinders our development as a community and a culture.