New Delhi: Union health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Monday raked up a controversy after he said men having sex with men is unnatural. He made the remarks at the national convention of zilla parishad chairpersons and mayors on HIV/AIDS which was attended by PM Manmohan Singh, Congress president Sonia Gandhi and several other Union ministers.“MSM is unnatural and not good for India. It is a disease which has come to India from other countries where men have sex with men. Such people are large in numbers in our country. But it is difficult to identify them as they do not live in clusters like female sex workers,†Azad said. He added that it makes it difficult for government intervention programmes to reach them.Azad had also courted controversy in 2009 when he said each household must have a TV as it will keep people busy with TV shows and keep them away from sexual activities.(Agency)