The Joint Traders Association was constituted in Srinagar on March 4 with the trader community electing Farhan Kitab as the Chairperson and Feroz Ahmed Baba as General Secretary.
A handout said: “It gives me immense pleasure to inform all the concerned in general and the traders of Srinagar City Center in particular that on 04/03/2023 an important meeting attended by the authorized representatives of following Eleven Trade Body Associations from Poloview to Amira Kadal – 1) Poloview Traders Association. 2) Fairdeal Shopping Complex Traders Association. 3) Residency Road the Bund Businessman Association. 4) Lambert Lane Traders Association. 5) Regal Chowk Traders Association. 6) Regal Lane Traders Association. 7) Residency Road Traders Association. 8) Central Market Abi Guzar Traders Association. 9) Traders Association CENTRAL Lal Chowk. 10) Aftab Market Lalchowk Traders Association AND 11) Court Road Lal Chowk Traders Association.”
“Wherein thorough discussions had been held regarding the present business scenario which is going through tough times right now and other problems being faced by the traders community day in and day out in one form or the other. Therefore to look after the genuine demands of the traders, all the esteemed representatives of these associations were of the opinion that the unity of all the traders is need of the hour and it has been decided in the meeting that a joint association in the name of ‘JOINT TRADERS ASSOCIATION SRINAGAR’ will be framed which is an amalgam of all these trader associations under single BANNER,” the handout from Bilal Ahmad Dar Media Spokesperson said.
“Now pursuant to the decision the following members have been elected by virtue of voice vote on spot. 1. Mr. Farhaan Kitab (Chairman). 2. Mr. Feroze Ahmad Baba (Gen Secretary). 3. Mr. Shiraz Ahmad Mir (Treasurer). 4. Mr. Zaffar Nazir (Coordinator). 5. Mr. Bilal Ahmad Dar (Media/ Spokesperson) The executive body was also framed.the executive body includes 1.Mr Mohd Naseem (Poloview traders Association) 2.Mr J A Zahid (lambert lane) 3.Mr Imtiaz Ahmed Khan (Residency Road) 4.Mr Farooq Ahmed Kawa (Fairdeal complex) 5.Mr Sheikh Tariq ( Lal chowk Court Road) 6.Mr Muzaffar Jan Wani ( Central Market Abi Guzar) 7.Mr Showkat Ahmad Bhat (Regal Lane) 8. Mr Zahoor Ahmad Shah (Aftab Market).
We are highly thankful to all the respected representatives of all these esteemed associations for showing your trust and faith on us. Moreover we pledge that we will come to the expectations of traders with our selfless efforts aimed at taking this JOINT TRADRES ASSOCIATION SRINAGAR to new heights of success for the benefit and safeguard the trade and commercial interests our trade community.”